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Sabroe Smc 116 Manual

Specifications for SMC and TSMC Mk4, S-L-EThe SMC/TSMC-typepiston compressor can be fitted with a range of equipment,depending on the function and requirements it is expected to meet.Some of these variants are discussed in this instruction manual,even if they are not featured on your particular unit. The variantsfeatured on the unit are marked with an 'x' in the followingdiagram, with the compressor number stated below.

1. IntroductionThe purpose of this manual is to provide theoperating personnel with a thorough knowledge of the compressor aswell information about: The function and maintenance of eachcomponent. Service schedules. curring during the warranty periodwhere this is attributable to incorrect operation. YORKRefrigeration's manual concept covers six standard manuals:Engineering, Operating, Service, Installation and Commissioning,Transport and Spare Parts. Therefore, references may be made tosections which are not part of this manual. This manual wasproduced by: YORK Refrigeration Chr. Xs Vej 201 DK-8270 HoejbjergDenmark Copyright 2003 YORK Refrigeration This manual must not becopied without the written permission of YORK Refrigeration and thecontents must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for anyunauthorised purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted.

Sabroe Smc 116 Manual

This manual describes the compressor and its component parts aswell as safety instructions/regulations. Moreover, the manualexplains the different settings that can be of assistance to thosewho are responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of theequipment. To prevent any accidents, assembly and disassembly ofcomponents should only be carried out by authorized personnel. Itis essential that the operating personnel familiarize themselveswith the contents of this manual in order to ensure a proper andefficient operation. YORK Refrigeration is not liable for damageoc-

Signs in Instructions The Sign: CAUTIONA CAUTION tag like theone illustrated below is fixed to the compressor. The sign imposesthe users to read the Safety Precautions section in the manualbefore handling, operating or servicing the compressor andunit.

Switch off all electric components on the compressor/unit beforethe dismantling/servicing. Make sure that there is neitheroverpressure nor any refrigerant in the part to be dismantled.Close all necessary stop valves. Use gloves and safety goggles andmake sure to have a gas mask ready for use. Use the prescribedtools and check that they are properly maintained and in goodworking condition. In explosion-proof areas, use tools especiallysuited for this specific purpose. When dismantling the top covers,attention should be paid to the considerable spring force beneaththe covers. When the screws are loosened, the cover must liftitself from the frame as described in the instruction manual.

3. Safety PrecautionsThe purpose of this document is to providegeneral safety precautions for this equipment. Additioal safetyprecautions relating to a specific task are given in thecorresponding documents. The safety precautions are intended forall user categories. This document was produced by: YORKRefrigeration Chr. Xs Vej 201 DK-8270 Hoejbjerg Denmark Copyright2003 YORK Refrigeration This document must not be copied withoutthe written permission of YORK Refrigeration and the contentshereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for anyunauthorised purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. maintenancepersonnel in practicing good shop safety procedures. Operator andmaintenance personnel must read and understand these precautionscompletely before operating, setting up, running or performingmaintenance on the compressor/unit. These precautions are to beused as a supplement to the safety precautions and warningsincluded in: a. b. c. All other manuals pertaining to thecompressor/unit. Local, plant and shop safety rules and codes.National safety rules and regulations.

Before lifting or carrying a compressor/unit or other parts,determine the weight and size by means of e.g. tags, shipping data,labels, marked information or manuals. Use power hoists or othermechanical lifting and carrying equipment for heavy, bulky orunwieldy objects. Use hook-up methods recommended by your safetydepartment and familiarise yourself with the signals for safelydirecting a crane operator. Never place any part of your body undera suspended load or move a suspended load over any other persons.Before lifting, be certain that you have a safe spot for depositingthe load. Never work on a component while it is hanging from acrane or any other lifting mechanism. If in doubt as to the size ortype of lifting equipment, the method and procedures to be used inconnection with lifting, contact YORK Refrigeration beforeproceeding to lift the compressor, motor, unit or its components.Always inspect slings, chains, hoists and other lifting devicesprior to use. Do not use lifting devices which are defective or ina questionable condition. Never exceed the lifting capacity ofcranes, slings, eyebolts and other lifting equipment. Followstandards and instructions applicable to any lifting equipmentused. Before inserting an eyebolt, be certain that both the eyeboltand the hole have the same size and type of threads. To attain safeworking loads, at least 90% of the threaded portion of a standardforged eyebolt must be engaged.

Installation and Relocation SafetyBefore lifting the compressor,unit or other parts of the plant, consult the instruction manual orYORK Refrigeration for proper methods and procedures. Anelectrician must read and understand the electrical diagrams priorto connecting the machine to the power source. After connecting themachine, test all aspects of the electrical system for properfunctioning. Always make sure that the machine is groundedproperly. Place all selector switches in their O or neutral(disengaged) position. The doors of the main electrical cabinetmust be closed and the main disconnect switch must be in the Oposition after the power source connection is complete. Beforestarting the compressor for the first time, make sure that all themotors rotate in the indicated direction.

Maintenance SafetyDo not attempt to perform maintenance on thecompressor unit until you have read and understood all the safetyinstructions. Assign only qualified service or maintenancepersonnel trained by YORK Refrigeration to perform maintenance andrepair work on the unit. They should consult the service manualbefore attempting any service or repair work and contact YORKRefrigeration in case of questions. Use only YORK Refrigerationreplacement parts; other parts may impair the safety of thecompressor/unit. Before removing or opening any electricalenclosure, cover, plate or door, be sure that the Main DisconnectSwitch is in the O position and the main fuses are dismantled. Ifany tool is required to remove a guard, cover, bracket or any basicpart of this compressor, place the Main Disconnect Switch in the Oposition and lock it in the O position. If possible, post a sign atthe disconnect switch indicating that main-

4. Technical DescriptionThe purpose of this document is todescribe the intended purpose, the physical characteristics and thefunctions of the unit. This document is primarily intended fordesigners, service engineers, prospective customers, salespersonnel and personnel undergoing training. This document wasproduced by: YORK Refrigeration Chr. X's Vej 201 DK-8270 HoejbjergDenmark Copyright 2003 YORK Refrigeration This document must not becopied without the written permission of YORK Refrigeration and thecontents hereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be usedfor any unauthorised purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted.frigerants: R717 - R22 - R134a - R407C R404A - R507 - R600 - R600A- R290 LPG. This manual only deals with the ones written in boldletters. Compressor types SMC 100 and TSMC 100 in an E executionare as standard compressors used with R717 only. The compressorscan be used with other refrigerants, but only following a writtenagreement with YORK Refrigeration. SMC 100 and TSMC 100 compressorsin S, L or E executions may be used at a max discharge designpressure of 25 bar. See Test Pressure Levels for StandardCompressors and Components in section 6. The compressors areapproved for application in an explosion-prone environment,provided they have been fitted with explosion-proof equipment. Thiscan be seen from the Ex nameplates, , fixed on each unit.

Areas of Application of the Reciprocating CompressorUnitApplication In view of preventing an unintended application ofthe compressor, which could cause injuries to the operating staffor lead to technical damage, the compressors may only be appliedfor the following purposes: As a refrigeration compressor with thenumber of revolutions pr. minute specified by YORK Refrigerationand the operating limits as stated in this manual or in a writtenagreement with YORK Refrigeration. Compressor types SMC 100 andTSMC 100 in an S or L execution can - as standard compressors - beused with the following re-

this instruction manual to ensure reliable andefficientoperation of the plant as SABROE isunable to provide a guaranteeagainstdamage occurring during the warranty periodwhere this isattributable to incorrectoperation.

Lubricating oil requirementsAbove all, the refrigerator oil mustprovidesatisfactory lubrication of the compressor,even at therelatively high temperatures oc-curring during compression. It mustbe inca-pable of coking at such high temperaturesand must notprecipitate solid constituentssuch as paraffin or wax at the lowestoccur-ring temperatures. The oil must not have anycorrosive effect,whether alone or mixed withrefrigerant. According to the oilcompaniesthe oils mentioned in the Oil Recommenda-tion in thisinstruction manual comply withthese conditions. See section onChoice oflubricating oils. 2ff7e9595c

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