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RMPS Emulation: Tips and Tricks for Burning and Playing SecuROM Protected Titles


Unfortunatelly Windows 10 doesn't allow Alcohol's emulation capabilities to work. The only thing you can do is using the CD copy in a VM with an older operating system (on which you must have Alcohol installed of course).

Rmps emulation

RetroArch is the official front end for the libretro API. RetroArch and libretro provide a way to take an existing emulator and load that emulator as a library or "core". RetroArch then handles the input (controls) and output (graphics and audio) while the emulator core handles the emulation of the original system. With a few simple changes to the emulator source code, almost any existing emulator could become a libretro core.

If you are interested in figuring out which is your "Select" button, pressing and holding "Select" on your controller will cause one column to switch from off to on. The value next to it corresponds to the "Select" button. If you have a controller with a "Home" button, pressing the "Home" button will also cause one column to switch from off to on. To exit jstest, press Ctrl + c. To return to EmulationStation from the terminal, type and enter emulationstation.

The Power Pad was a mat-based controller for the NES, also marketed as the Family Trainer, rather like the later Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), but in a 4x3 rectangular configuration. The most famous game for it was the bundled World Class Track Meet. I will tell how to play Power Pad games in emulation with the bleeding edge FCEumm libretro core (I added Power Pad support code to it in January 2023) on RetroPie (in my case on a Raspberry PI 3B+) using more easily available mat controllers like DDR or Wii Outdoor Challenge mats.

If you are using USB DDR mats, or have a GameCube controller to USB adapter that works with the DDR mats you want to use and can recognize all combinations of simultaneous presses, and all of these show up as joystick buttons on the computer you are using for emulation, you can skip this step. But note that a GameCube controller to USB adapter is unlikely to work with the Outdoor Challenge mat which uses non-standard button mapping, and there is a possibility that some adapters may not recognize simultaneous presses of opposed DDR mat arrows.

The next thing you should do is modify your RetroArch settings to make the qwer/asdf/zxcv keys do nothing. To do that, either edit the global retroarch.cfg file and comment out (by putting a # at the start) or change any line that assigns q/w/e/r/a/s/d/f/z/x/c/v to anything, etc., or just edit the retroarch.cfg file for NES emulation and add overrides for all these settings. For instance, my global retroarch.cfg had

Currently, in alternate mode Power Pad, the only difference is that Power Pad Side B left half emulation is the default for the Outdoor Challenge mat, and Scroll Lock activates Side A emulation. You can control Scroll Lock with an additional keyboard plugged into your computer or, if you're using a Raspberry PI, you can activate Scroll Lock from the commandline with:

It is possible to control the emulation speed by using the "Maximumspeed" item in the speed setting. The default setting is100, which causes the emulation to never run faster than the realmachine. A higher value allows the emulator to run faster, a lower onemay force it to run slower. A specific FPS may also be targeted.

It is possible to specify whether the "positional" or "symbolic"keyboard mapping should be used with the "Keyboard mapping type"submenu (see section 2.2 The keyboard emulation for an explanation of positionaland symbolic mappings).

The second option ("Trap idle") is usually a bit slower, as at leastinterrupts are always emulated, but ensures the LED state is alwaysupdated correctly and always keeps the drive and the computer in sync.On the other hand, if a program installs a non-standard idle loop in thedrive, the drive CPU has to be emulated even when not necessary and theglobal emulation speed is then much slower."40-track image support" specifies how 40-track ("extended") diskimages should be supported. There are three possible ways:"Never extend" never extends disk images at all (so if a program triesto write tracks beyond the 35th, it is not allowed to do so);"Ask on extend" prompts the user as soon as a program tries to writetracks beyond the 35th, and the user can then choose whether he wantsthe disk image to be extended or not;"Extend on access" simply extends the disk image as soon the programneeds it, without prompting the user.6.10.1 Drive resourcesDrive8TrueEmulation Drive9TrueEmulationDrive10TrueEmulationDrive11TrueEmulationBoolean controlling whether the "true" drive emulation is turned on.DriveSoundEmulationBoolean controlling whether the drive noise emulation is turned on(all emulators except vsid).DriveSoundEmulationVolumeInteger specifying the volume of the drive noise emulation(all emulators except vsid).(0..4000)Drive8TypeDrive9TypeDrive10TypeDrive11TypeIntegers specifying the model number for drives 8 to 11. Possiblevalues are 1541 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1542 (1541-II) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1570 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1571 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1573 (1571CR) [x128 only],1551 [xplus4 only],1581 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1001 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],2000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],2031 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],2040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],3040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],4000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],4040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],4844 (CMD HD) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],8050 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],8250 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].9000 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].Drive8RTCSaveDrive9RTCSaveDrive10RTCSaveDrive11RTCSaveInteger specifying whether the RTC data of drive 8 to 11 should be saved when changed or not (drive type 2000/4000/4844 only).Drive8ParallelCableDrive9ParallelCableDrive10ParallelCableDrive11ParallelCableintegers controlling what type of parallel cable is emulated for drives 8 to 11(x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xplus4 only).x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128: (0: None, 1: Standard, 2: Dolphin DOS 3, 3: Formel64)xplus4: (0: None, 1: Standard)Drive8ProfDOSDrive9ProfDOSDrive10ProfDOSDrive11ProfDOSBooleans controlling whether Professional DOS is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).Drive8SuperCardDrive9SuperCardDrive10SuperCardDrive11SuperCardBooleans controlling whether Supercard is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).Drive8StarDosDrive9StarDosDrive10StarDosDrive11StarDosBooleans controlling whether StarDOS is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).Drive8RAM2000Drive9RAM2000Drive10RAM2000Drive11RAM2000Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $2000-$3FFF fordrive 8 to 11.Drive8RAM4000Drive9RAM4000Drive10RAM4000Drive11RAM4000Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $4000-$5FFF fordrive 8 to 11.Drive8RAM6000Drive9RAM6000Drive10RAM6000Drive11RAM6000Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $6000-$7FFF fordrive 8 to 11.Drive8RAM8000Drive9RAM8000Drive10RAM8000Drive11RAM8000Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $8000-$9FFF fordrive 8 to 11.Drive8RAMA000Drive9RAMA000Drive10RAMA000Drive11RAMA000Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $A000-$BFFF fordrive 8 to 11.Drive8ExtendImagePolicyDrive9ExtendImagePolicyDrive10ExtendImagePolicyDrive11ExtendImagePolicyInteger specifying the policy for 40-track support for drives 8 to 11.(0: never extend, 1: ask on extend, 2: extend on access)Drive8IdleMethodDrive9IdleMethodDrive10IdleMethodDrive11IdleMethodIntegers specifying the idling method for the drive CPU.See section 6.10 Drive settings.(0: none, 1: skip cycles, 2: trap idle)Drive8RPMDrive9RPMDrive10RPMDrive11RPMIntegers specifying the rotation speed of the drive, multiplied by 100, so300rpm equals 30000.Drive8WobbleFrequencyDrive9WobbleFrequencyDrive10WobbleFrequencyDrive11WobbleFrequencyIntegers specifying the drive wobble frequencyDrive8WobbleAmplitudeDrive9WobbleAmplitudeDrive10WobbleAmplitudeDrive11WobbleAmplitudeIntegers specifying the drive wobble amplitudeDrive8FixedSizeDrive9FixedSizeDrive10FixedSizeDrive11FixedSizeInteger specifying the size of the diskimage (in bytes) returned to SCSIcapacity inquiries for CMD HDs.A disk image must be attached for a valid size to be returned.A value of "0" will report back the current image size.Values may also be followed by the suffix "K", "M", or "G" for kilobyte,megabyte, and gigabyte respectively. Default is "8G".DosName1540DosName1541DosName1541iiDosName1570DosName1571DosName1581DosName2000DosName4000DosNameCMDHDStrings specifying the names of the ROM images for the drive emulation.(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)DosName1551String specifying the name of the ROM image for the drive emulation.(xplus4 only)DosName1571crString specifying the name of the ROM image for the drive emulation.(x128 only)DosName2031DosName2040DosName3040DosName4040DosName1001DosName9000Strings specifying the names of the ROM images for the drive emulation.(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)DriveProfDOS1571NameString specifying the filename of the 1571 professional DOS ROM image(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).DriveSuperCardNameString specifying the filename of the Supercard ROM image(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).DriveStarDosNameString specifying the filename of the image of the lower half of the StarDOS ROM(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).6.10.2 Drive command-line options-drive8truedrive, +drive8truedrive -drive9truedrive, +drive9truedrive-drive10truedrive, +drive10truedrive-drive11truedrive, +drive11truedriveEnable/disable true drive emulation(Drive8TrueEmulation=1, Drive8TrueEmulation=0, Drive9TrueEmulation=1, Drive9TrueEmulation=0, Drive10TrueEmulation=1, Drive10TrueEmulation=0, Drive11TrueEmulation=1, Drive11TrueEmulation=0).-drivesound+drivesoundEnable/disable drive sound emulation(DriveSoundEmulation=1, DriveSoundEmulation=0)(all emulators except vsid).-drivesoundvolume Set the volume of the drive sound emulation(DriveSoundEmulationVolume=1, DriveSoundEmulationVolume=0)(all emulators except vsid).-drive8type -drive9type -drive10type -drive11type Specifies the drive types for drives 8-11, respectively.Possible values for TYPE are1541 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1542 (meaning 1541-II) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1551 [xplus4 only],1570 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1571 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],1573 (meaning 1571cr) [x128 only],1581 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],2000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],4000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],4844 (meaning CMD HD) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid],2031 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],2040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],3040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],4040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],1001 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid],8050 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid]8250 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].and 9000 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].-drive8rtcsave, +drive8rtcsave-drive9rtcsave, +drive9rtcsave-drive10rtcsave, +drive10rtcsave-drive11rtcsave, +drive11rtcsaveEnable/disable the saving of the RTC data for drive 8 to 11 when changed(drive type 2000/4000/4844 only)(Drive8RTCSave=1, Drive8RTCSave=0, Drive9RTCSave=1,Drive9RTCSave=0, Drive10RTCSave=1, Drive10RTCSave=0,Drive11RTCSave=1, Drive11RTCSave=0).-parallel8 -parallel9 -parallel10 -parallel11 Set parallel cable type for drives 8-11 respectively(Drive8ParallelCable, Drive9ParallelCable,Drive10ParallelCable, Drive11ParallelCable)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xplus4 only).x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128: (0: None, 1: Standard, 2: Professional DOS, 3: Formel64)xplus4: (0: None, 1: Standard)-drive8idle -drive9idle -drive10idle -drive11idle Specifies as the idling method for drives 8-11 respectively(Drive8IdleMethod, Drive9IdleMethod,Drive10IdleMethod), Drive11IdleMethod).(0: none, 1: skip cycles, 2: trap idle)-drive8extend -drive9extend -drive10extend -drive11extend Specifies as the track 40 extend policy in drives 8-11 respectively(Drive8ExtendImagePolicy, Drive9ExtendImagePolicy,Drive10ExtendImagePolicy, Drive11ExtendImagePolicy).(0: never extend, 1: ask on extend, 2: extend on access)-drive8rpm -drive9rpm -drive10rpm -drive11rpm Specifies the rotation speed of the drive, multiplied by 100 so 300rpmequal 30000.-drive8wobblefrequency -drive9wobblefrequency -drive10wobblefrequency -drive11wobblefrequency Specifies frequency of the drive wobble-drive8wobbleamplitude -drive9wobbleamplitude -drive10wobbleamplitude -drive11wobbleamplitude Specifies amplitude of the drive wobble-drive8fixedsize-drive9fixedsize-drive10fixedsize-drive11fixedsizeSpecifies the size of the diskimage (in bytes) returned to SCSIcapacity inquiries for CMD HDs.A disk image must be attached for a valid size to be returned.A value of "0" will report back the current image size.Values may also be followed by the suffix "K", "M", or "G" for kilobyte,megabyte, and gigabyte respectively. Default is "8G".-dos1540 Specify the ROM name for the 1540 emulation(DosName1540).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos1541 Specify the ROM name for the 1541 emulation(DosName1541).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos1541II Specify the ROM name for the 1541-II emulation(DosName1541ii).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos1551 Specify the ROM name for the 1551 emulation(DosName1551).(xplus4 only)-dos1570 Specify the ROM name for the 1570 emulation(DosName1570).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos1571 Specify the ROM name for the 1571 emulation(DosName1571).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos1571cr Specify the ROM name for the 1571 emulation(DosName1571CR).(x128 only)-dos1581 Specify the ROM name for the 1581 emulation(DosName1581).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos2000 Specify the ROM name for the FD2000 emulation(DosName2000).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos4000 Specify the ROM name for the FD4000 emulation(DosName4000).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dosCMDHD Specify the boot ROM name for the CMD HD emulation(DosNameCMDHD).(all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)-dos2031 Specify the ROM name for the 2031 emulation(DosName2031).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-dos2040 Specify the ROM name for the 2040 emulation(DosName2040).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-dos3040 Specify the ROM name for the 3040 emulation(DosName3040).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-dos4040 Specify the ROM name for the 4040 emulation(DosName4040).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-dos1001 Specify the ROM name for the 1001, 8050 and 8250 emulations(DosName1001).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-dos9000 Specify the ROM name for the D9090/60 emulations(DosName9000).(all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)-drive8ram2000, +drive8ram2000-drive9ram2000, +drive9ram2000-drive10ram2000, +drive10ram2000-drive11ram2000, +drive11ram2000Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $2000-$3FFF for drive 8 to 11(Drive8RAM2000=1, Drive8RAM2000=0,Drive9RAM2000=1, Drive9RAM2000=0,Drive10RAM2000=1, Drive10RAM2000=0,Drive11RAM2000=1, Drive11RAM2000=0).-drive8ram4000, +drive8ram4000-drive9ram4000, +drive9ram4000-drive10ram4000, +drive10ram4000-drive11ram4000, +drive11ram4000Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $4000-$5FFF for drive 8 to 11(Drive8RAM4000=1, Drive8RAM4000=0,Drive9RAM4000=1, Drive9RAM4000=0,Drive10RAM4000=1, Drive10RAM4000=0,Drive11RAM4000=1, Drive11RAM4000=0).-drive8ram6000, +drive8ram6000-drive9ram6000, +drive9ram6000-drive10ram6000, +drive10ram6000-drive11ram6000, +drive11ram6000Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $6000-$7FFF for drive 8 to 11(Drive8RAM6000=1, Drive8RAM6000=0,Drive9RAM6000=1, Drive9RAM6000=0,Drive10RAM6000=1, Drive10RAM6000=0,Drive11RAM6000=1, Drive11RAM6000=0).-drive8ram8000, +drive8ram8000-drive9ram8000, +drive9ram8000-drive10ram8000, +drive10ram8000-drive11ram8000, +drive11ram8000Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $8000-$9FFF for drive 8 to 11(Drive8RAM8000=1, Drive8RAM8000=0,Drive9RAM8000=1, Drive9RAM8000=0,Drive10RAM8000=1, Drive10RAM8000=0,Drive11RAM8000=1, Drive11RAM8000=0).-drive8rama000, +drive8rama000-drive9rama000, +drive9rama000-drive10rama000, +drive10rama000-drive11rama000, +drive11rama000Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $A000-$BFFF for drive 8 to 11(Drive8RAMA000=1, Drive8RAMA000=0,Drive9RAMA000=1, Drive9RAMA000=0,Drive10RAMA000=1, Drive10RAMA000=0,Drive11RAMA000=1, Drive11RAMA000=0).-drive8profdos, +drive8profdos-drive9profdos, +drive9profdos-drive10profdos, +drive10profdos-drive11profdos, +drive11profdosEnable/disable Professional DOS for drive 8 to 11(Drive8ProfDOS=1, Drive8ProfDOS=0,Drive9ProfDOS=1, Drive9ProfDOS=0,Drive10ProfDOS=1, Drive10ProfDOS=0,Drive11ProfDOS=1, Drive11ProfDOS=0)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).-profdos1571 Specify name of Professional DOS 1571 ROM image(DriveProfDOS1571Name)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128).-drive8supercard, +drive8supercard-drive9supercard, +drive9supercard-drive10supercard, +drive10supercard-drive11supercard, +drive11supercardEnable/disable Supercard for drive 8 to 11(Drive8SuperCard=1, Drive8SuperCard=0,Drive9SuperCard=1, Drive9SuperCard=0,Drive10SuperCard=1, Drive10SuperCard=0,Drive11SuperCard=1, Drive11SuperCard=0)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).-supercard Specify name of Supercard ROM image(DriveSuperCardName)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).-drive8stardos, +drive8stardos-drive9stardos, +drive9stardos-drive10stardos, +drive10stardos-drive11stardos, +drive11stardosEnable/disable StarDOS for drive 8 to 11(Drive8StarDos=1, Drive8StarDos=0,Drive9StarDos=1, Drive9StarDos=0,Drive10StarDos=1, Drive10StarDos=0,Drive11StarDos=1, Drive11StarDos=0)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).-stardos Specify name of the image of the lower half of the StarDOS ROM. (Attach the upperhalf using the -dos1541 option.)(DriveStarDosName)(x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).6.11 Peripheral settingsVICE is able to support some special peripherals: 2ff7e9595c

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