If you are unsure of what compatibility level to use, stick with the default. If you have version 7.0 or higher of GhostScript installed on your computer, you can use the ps2pdf13 or ps2pdf14 scripts to automatically set the compatibility level.
One of the great things about PDF files is that they can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be viewed on screen, downloaded as electronic books, or printed on a laser, ink jet, or professional printer. You can specify five types of target device for your PDF using the PDFSETTINGS parameter:
Ghostscript Ps2pdf Download
Download Zip: https://byltly.com/2vzPQW
If you see this, try recreating the PostScript file and running ps2pdf again. This kind of error message also rears its head when you mistype the name of the PostScript file. Check your typing against the name of the PostScript file and try running it through ps2pdf again.
If the link above is broken when you try it 20 years from now, please refer to ghostscript.com and search for download section. Download the binary version, don't go for the source, unless you know what you are doing.
If you're using Windows and want to create PDF/A-1b documents explicitely (PDFCreator has an output option for PDF/A-2b but not for PDF/A-1b), you just can enter the parameters Artur described above into the ui settings of PDFCreator without the ones for the document names. Start PDFCreator, choose the printer menu, then go to settings. Now, choose 'Ghostscript' from the settings list on the left side. Under 'additional ghostscript settings', enter as follows :
Thank you for the 4 line Ghostscript Haiku, once I had Homebrew installed, I ran those commands and Ghostscript installed. My only hesitation was security, I had concerns about loading software remotely, in the background but during the installs, I was asked for the admin password before the install would complete after the download.
The 3rd method uses Ghostscript only (which the 2nd one uses anyway, becauseps2pdf14 is nothing more than a wrapper script around a more or lesscomplicated Ghostscript commandline. The 3rd method also preserves all theimportant PDF objects on your pages as they are, without any "roundtrip"conversions....
Inkscape's PS and EPS import now uses Ghostscript instead of pstoedit. If you need to open files of these types, install Ghostscript and make sure the directory with the ps2pdf utility from Ghostscript installation is in your PATH. On importing a file, you will see a preferences dialog, similar to PDF import; for multipage PS files, this dialog allows you to select which page to open.
The -o - switches and the pipe symbol() tell enscript to send itsPostScript output to the ps2pdf program. The- - options and the pipe tellps2pdf to read its input from the pipe and sendits output to lpr, which sends the PDF to theprinter. For more information on pipes, see Chapter 6.
ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscriptps2pdf12 - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later compati-ble) using ghostscriptps2pdf13 - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later compati-ble) using ghostscriptps2pdf14 - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5-and-later compati-ble) using ghostscript
MS Word for Windows: To save a Word document as a postscript file, first install and select a postscript printer driver. If you need to install a postscript driver, you can download one from the Adobe website by clicking here. After you have a postscript printer driver installed, you would print to the postscript printer and check the "print to a file" box from the MS Word file/print menu. When you print to a file, Word saves the file in the appropriate printer language. To print to a file:1. On the File menu, click Print.2. In the Name box, click the printer with which you'll print the file.3. Select the Print to file check box, and then click OK.4. In the File name box, type a file name.* *If this saves your file with a .prn extension, you'll have to rename the file to have a .ps extension.
At my former job I had used Distiller to create PDFs from PS output from Creo. It worked well and bypassed the many issues I saw with the built-in PDF creation in Creo. I'd like to do the same here, but we do not have Distiller available to all users. I was looking at using Ghostscript, specifically the ps2pdf utility as a Distiller replacement, but I'm having no luck with it. Unfortunately, the learning curve for GS is rather steep.
I've run the 64 bit GS installer and added a couple of install folders to my path statement and ps2pdf runs without error (I'm using the syntax "path/to/ps2pdf inout.ps output.pdf") but produces no output.
These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering plain TeX macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers; no LaTeX. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: amsfonts -- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society. apalike -- APA-like citations bibtex -- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc. cm -- Computer Modern fonts. dvipdfm -- A DVI driver to produce PDF directly. dvipdfmx -- An extended version of dvipdfm. dvipdfmx-def -- dvips -- A DVI to PostScript driver. enctex -- A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX. etex -- An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project. etex-pkg -- E-TeX support package. gsftopk -- Convert "ghostscript fonts" to PK files. hyph-utf8 -- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8. hyphen-base -- ifluatex -- Provides the \ifluatex switch. ifxetex -- Am I running under XeTeX? kpathsea -- Path searching library for TeX-related files. makeindex -- Process index output to produce typesettable code. metafont -- A system for specifying fonts. mflogo -- LaTeX support for MetaFont logo fonts. mfware -- Supporting tools for use with MetaFont. misc -- pdftex -- A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF. plain -- The Plain TeX format. tcdialog -- tetex -- scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX tex -- A sophisticated typesetting engine. texconfig -- xdvi -- A DVI previewer for the X Window System. texdoc -- Documentation access for TeX distributions.
A collection of recommended add-on packages for LaTeX which have widespread use . This package includes the following CTAN packages: anysize -- A simple package to set up document margins. booktabs -- Publication quality tables in LaTeX caption -- Customising captions in floating environments. cite -- Improved citation handling in LaTeX. citeref -- Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items. cmap -- Make PDF files searchable and copyable. crop -- Support for cropmarks. ctable -- Easily typeset centered tables. ec -- Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings. eso-pic -- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page. euler -- Use AMS Euler fonts for math. extsizes -- Extend the standard classes' size options. fancybox -- Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes. fancyref -- A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing. fancyvrb -- Sophisticated verbatim text. float -- Improved interface for floating objects. fp -- Fixed point arithmetic. index -- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes. jknapltx -- LaTeX support for Jörg Knappen's fonts. koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages listings -- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX. mdwtools -- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding. memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books. metalogo -- Extended TeX logo macros. microtype -- An interface to the micro-typographic features of pdfTeX. ms -- Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder. ntgclass -- "European" versions of standard classes. pdfpages -- Include PDF documents in LaTeX. powerdot -- A presentation class. psfrag -- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures. rcs -- Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents. rotating -- Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats. seminar -- Make overhead slides. setspace -- Set space between lines. subfig -- Figures broken into subfigures thumbpdf -- Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf. xkeyval -- Extension of the keyval package.
AFAICT those instructions are now in place. AFAIU the "guest additions" are called than and not apt-get'able, requiring download and funny-install from Oracle, because they are non-free (libre) and license encumbered.
Since both these 3rd party software packages require the user to download something substantial already, an apt-get of the kernel-headers package too should not be too much of an extra burden, and indeed the easiest step in that process. 2ff7e9595c