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eclipse plugin - How to Install ObjectAid in 2022? - Stack Overflow[^1^]


The ObjectAid UML Explorer is optimized for the quick and easy creation of UML class and sequence diagrams from existing Java source code and libraries. It uses the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code that is as accurate and up-to-date as your text editor.

objectaid sequence diagram licence - Full 39

I've just made the upgrade to Eclipse 2021-03. The "ObjectAid Class Diagram 1.2.4" successfully installs whithout errors and it appears in the installed plugins list. I use the "New ObjectAid Class Diagram" menu to open the "New UML Class Diagram" window. In this window, nothing happens when I press the Finish button, once the folder and the name have been filled. Then the diagram cannot be created.

The problem with automatic sequence diagram generation is that even small pieces of code can produce huge diagrams with mostly uninteresting messages. If you would like to discuss, please contact us ( ).

EDIT:If you're a designer then Papyrus is your best choice it's very advanced and full of features, but if you just want to sketch out some UML diagrams and easy installation then ObjectAid is pretty cool and it doesn't require any plugins I just installed it over Eclipse-Java EE and works great !.

I wish papyrus had straightforward way to Reverse Engineer classes into UML class diagram and It would be super cool if that reverse engineering had a synchronization feature, but unfortunately papyrus project is full of features and I think developers there have already much at hand since also many actions you do over papyrus might not give you any response and just nothing happens but that's out of this question scope anyway.

It renders PlantUML src code of desired packages recursively that you can edit manually if needed (hopefully you won't). Then, by pasting the code in the plantUML page, or by downloading plant's jar you can render the UML diagram as a png image.

Legacy object-oriented code may be accompanied by high-level documentation and/or descriptive comments in the source code, each of which may contain omissions or erroneous information. As documentation erodes, an engineer can trust only the source code. A necessary component of software archeology in object-oriented systems is the interactions among objects. A sequence diagram is a visual representation of those object interactions as well as their lifelines.

Sequence diagrams generated from legacy code are independent of existing documentation. Dynamic techniques for generation of sequence diagrams from legacy code [5, 22, 23, 29, 34] can synthesize a subset of all possible sequence diagrams based on runtime traces. The capability of purely dynamic reverse-engineering techniques to produce useful diagrams depends on the quality of the executions. In particular, one may need a large number of executions with sufficient diversity to cover the space of interactions. Existing static techniques [43] result in sequence diagrams that replicate the original legacy source code, including conditionals and loops, without providing further intuitive notions beyond the code itself. Hybrid techniques like [18, 42] combine static and dynamic analysis. Information extracted from an accurate static analysis framework can guide the executions during the dynamic stage.

In this section, we describe an abstract model for programs, formalize the notion of a code hypergraph, define a sequence diagram in that context, and define terms related to the features and quality of a given sequence diagram.

To define a framework for static generation of sequence diagrams not tied to a particular object-oriented language, we introduce a typed control-flow graph (TCFG), an abstract model that will serve as the basis for our analysis. The model maintains both data flow (i.e., program points with state information attributed to collecting semantics, alias analysis, etc.) and control flow information (i.e., intra-procedural instructions and inter-procedural method calls). A program is abstracted by a typed control-flow graph (Definition 1) containing two types of edges: intra-procedural transfer edges and inter-procedural call edges.

A sequence diagram is an instance of the more general message sequence chart. The literature (e.g., [1, 14, 25]) defines a message sequence chart over a set of processes and an alphabet as a tuple consisting of:

(Hypergraph Sequence Diagram) Let \(H\left( N, E_\mathcal A \right) \) be a code hypergraph. Also let m be a method with entry point \(m_0\) and let \(m_exit\) be an exit point of m. A hypergraph sequence diagram for method m corresponds to a hyperpath in \(H\) from the source hypernode of a hyperedge labeled \(m_0\) to the target node of a hyperedge labeled \(m_exit\) and is denoted by \(Y(H, m_0, m_exit)\). The set of sequence diagrams \( \mathcal Y(H, m_0, m_exit)\) for a fixed pair of entry and exit points, \(m_0\) and \(m_exit\), respectively, is the set of all \(Y(H, m_0,\) \(m_exit)\). Since a method has one fixed entry point and many possible exit points (given by \(M_exit\)), the collection of all such sequence diagrams (code hyperpaths) is given by \(\mathscr Y= \bigcup _m_exit\in M_exit \mathcal Y(H, m_0, m_exit)\).

Let \(H\left( N, E_\mathcal A \right) \) be a code hypergraph. Also let m be a method with entry point \(m_0\) to exit point \(m_exit\) in \(H\). Let \(Y(H, m_0, m_exit)\) be a hyperpath sequence diagram in \(H\) from \(m_0\) to \(m_exit\). We verify \(Y\) satisfies the criteria for a message sequence chart.

We use the term analogous to define a sequence diagram S that is equivalent to a sequence diagram T in terms of causal ordering. We formalize the notion of coarse and strictly analogous sequence diagrams by viewing sequence diagram hyperpaths as graphs.

(Coarse Sequence Diagram Homomorphism) For code hypergraphs \(H\left( N, E_\mathcal A \right) \) and \(H'\) \((N', E_\mathcal A\ ')\), \(\upphi : H\rightarrow H'\) is a coarse sequence diagram homomorphism if for \(1 \le i \le k\) and \(v, v_i \in N\), for all \(\left\langle v_1, \ldots , v_k \right\rangle = \mathbf v \in 2^V\) such that \((\mathbf v \rightarrow v) \in E_\mathcal A\), v and \(\upphi (v)\) are nodes in which \(\mathsf cat\left( v \right) = \mathsf cat\left( \upphi (v) \right) \in Cats \), \(\mathbf v\) and \(\upphi (\mathbf v)\) are sets of categorized nodes and \(\left \mathbf v \right _c = \left \upphi (\mathbf v) \right _c\)Footnote 3 for each category \(c \in Cats \), and there exists a hyperedge \(\upphi (\mathbf v) \rightarrow \upphi ( \ v \ ) \in E_\mathcal A\ '\).

In Definition 8, we define coarse homomorphic sequence diagrams by requiring (1) corresponding nodes be equivalent for each diagram, (2) for each corresponding hyperedge the number of origin nodes of each category are equivalent and the target nodes of the hyperedge is of the same category, and (3) each hyperedge has a corresponding hyperedge in both sequence diagrams.

(Strict Sequence Diagram Homomorphism) Let \(\uppsi : H\rightarrow H'\) be a coarse sequence diagram homomorphism between code hypergraphs H(N, \(E_\mathcal A)\) and \(H' \left( N', E_\mathcal A\ ' \right) \). Then, \(\uppsi : H\rightarrow H'\) is a strict sequence diagram homomorphism if for \(v \in N\) and \(\mathbf v \in 2^V\) such that \((\mathbf v \rightarrow v) \in E_\mathcal A\), v and \(\uppsi (v)\) are code object nodes in which \( \mathsf Datatype \left( v \right) = \mathsf Datatype \left( \uppsi (v) \right) \) and \(\mathbf v\) and \(\uppsi (\mathbf v)\) are sets of code object nodes such that for all i, \( \mathsf Datatype \left( \mathbf v_i \right) = \mathsf Datatype \left( \uppsi ( \mathbf v_i ) \right) \).

Definition 9 defines strict homomorphism among sequence diagrams by insisting the type of an object and its image under \(\uppsi \) be the same type. We may now define a coarse and strict sequence diagram isomorphism based on the structural requirements of the coarse sequence diagram homomorphism.

(Sequence Diagram Isomorphism) \(\upphi \) is a coarse sequence diagram isomorphism if (i) \(\upphi \) is a bijection, (ii) \(\upphi \) is a coarse sequence diagram homomorphism, and (iii) \(\upphi ^-1\) is a coarse sequence diagram homomorphism. If \(\upphi \) is a coarse sequence diagram isomorphism between \(H\) and \(H'\), we may write \(H\simeq H'\). We similarly define a strict sequence diagram isomorphism based on strict sequence diagram homomorphism between \(H\) and \(H'\) and write \(H\cong H'\).

Depth of a Sequence Diagram As a metric for code complexity, we define depth which relates the longest sequence of causally ordered messages without returning. We call \(\mathcal O_1, \ldots , \mathcal O_n = \ \mathcal O \_i\) an object sequence where for all \(1 \le i \le n\), \(\mathcal O_i\) are code objects. The length of the object sequence \(\mathcal O_1, \ldots , \mathcal O_n\) is n. We define depth for a sequence diagram independent of the hypergraph definitions.

(Depth of a Sequence Diagram) The depth of a sequence diagram \(\mathcalD\) is the greatest length d of the object sequence \(\mathcal O_1, \ldots , \mathcal O_d\) in the diagram such that for each \(1 \le i \le d-1\), there exists a message \(m_i\) from \(\mathcal O_i\) to \(\mathcal O_i + 1\) and for each \(1 \le j \le d - 2\), \(m_j \rightarrow m_j+1\) (\(m_j\) causally precedes \(m_j+1\)) and there does not exist any message m either from \(\mathcal O_j\) to \(\mathcal O_j+1\) or vice versa such that \(m_j \rightarrow m\) and \(m \rightarrow m_j+1\).

Interesting Sequence Diagrams Not all sequence diagrams are of particular interest to a user. Requiring user interaction for refinement from the set of all sequence diagrams corresponding to a program is not ideal in terms of time and effort; therefore, we suggest a first step in formalizing the notion of an interesting sequence diagram to make interactions with StaticGen more efficient. 2ff7e9595c

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