Other commercial Windows PowerShell editing products that should be available by the time this review is published are Idera's PowerShell Plus 3.1 and Quest Software's PowerGUI Pro MobileShell edition. The latest releases of these products weren't available at the time that this review was written. You can find more information about PowerShell Plus 3.1 at www.idera.com/Products/PowerShell/PowerShell-Plus. You can find more information about PowerGUI Pro MobileShell edition at dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/mobileshell-powershell-prompt-in-a-browser.
Administrative Aufgaben Mit Windows Power Shell Ise Download
PowerGUIPowerGUI was the first popular graphical PowerShell editor. Quest Software originally developed PowerGUI, but the company later released it as freeware. PowerGUI provides a multi-tabbed interface, IntelliSense-style PowerShell prompting, code snippets, and an integrated debugger. I've used PowerGUI for many of my own PowerShell development projects. You can find out more about PowerGUI in the article "Features of PowerGUI Script Editor". You can download PowerGUI from www.powergui.org/downloads.jspa.
Shell Tools' PowerShell AnalyzerShell Tools' PowerShell Analyzer is a different kind of PowerShell development product. It offers a graphical editing environment and code completion but doesn't provide a graphical debugger. PowerShell Analyzer's set of "vizualizers" let you inspect objects returned from PowerShell commands. You can download PowerShell Analyzer from www.powershellanalyzer.com.
We use powershell transcripts for all our logging and such and review and we call this from within powershell and grab the outputs but it just seems that it stalls on that error message but doesnt say that it has stalled just that it was access denied but nothing else, again when we restarted the process it went back to the user and worked fine (hence the retry step maybe after a small delay?)
If you have used Visual Studio Code before, skip this part.Open up Visual studio code. Open your script-folder with file > open folder.If the powershellprompt is not started, press Ctrl + `
Hi AlPi,For most cases, I will do development in the repo where the script will stay, otherwise this can get confusing very quickly ;).What you can do, is create a separate branch for development. That way the main branch is always a working script. You work on the script on the other branch, test everything and merge it when it is ready. I made a follow up blog post about this process if that might help: -using-git-for-powershell-part-2-branches-and-pull-requests/
Thanks Barbara,That sounds like a plan, have to test this out to see how it works in the real world (how would powershell know which file is the dev branch and which is the master since there is only 1 file?) But thanks again great content!
Der PowerShell Host ist die Benutzerschnittstelle zur PowerShell Engine. In Windows steht standardmäßig die Windows PowerShell (auch Konsole) (powershell.exe, bereitgestellt durch conhost.exe) und Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment, kurz ISE) (powershell_ise.exe) zur Verfügung. Die ISE ist ein modernes Eingabefenster mit unter anderem integriertem Skripteditor, Debugger und IntelliSense. Beide Hosts erlauben es auch, herkömmliche Kommandozeilenanwendungen auszuführen, wie beispielsweise ipconfig.exe. Jedoch erlaubt die ISE keine Interaktion, wie zum Beispiel bei nslookup.exe. Die ISE kann durch Add-ons erweitert werden; eine bekannte Erweiterung ist ISESteroids.Auch Verwaltungskonsolen, wie etwa die Exchange Management Console (EMC) seit Exchange Server 2007, sind ein Host. Darüber hinaus gibt es auf dem Markt weitere Hosts, wie PowerShell Plus von Idera.Zwar nutzen alle Hosts dieselbe Engine, doch da die Implementierung unterschiedlich sein kann, ist es auch möglich, dass sich die Hosts untereinander unterschiedlich verhalten.
Der Kommandozeilenname von PowerShell 6 wurde von powershell.exe in pwsh.exe umbenannt, dies erlaubt eine leichtere Unterscheidung beim Aufruf der Powershell, wenn sowohl PowerShell Core, als auch die klassische Powershell installiert sind.[40]
Hi All,Yesterday Microsoft has released a new Version of theyr Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Modules. Just a few days after releasing 1.9.4... I like the fact that they fixed a bug in "user-agent", but maybe it shows somee missing quality control.Microsoft.Graph 1.9.5 notes -sdk-powershell/releasesCheck the installed module and what's published in PowerShell GalleryGet-InstalliedModule Microsoft.GraphFind-Module Microsoft.GraphIf you uninstall the Microsoft.Graph Module, you don't uninstall the sub modulesUninstall-Module Microsoft.GraphGet-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph*I've created a Script on my GitHub Repo to clean up the Microsoft.Graph Modules _PowerShellScripts/blob/main/ExchangeOnline/GraphAPI/CleanupGraphModules.ps1Even it did throw an Error due to dependent Modules it worked at the endGet-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph*RegardsAndres Bohren
Hi All,Last Week, Citrix released a new Version of the Citrix Workspace App for Windows.Citrix Workspace App 2204.1 for Windows -de/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.htmlRelease Notes -us/citrix-workspace-app-for-windows/about.htmlRegardsAndres Bohren
Hi All,Recently i was stumbling across a weird behaviour regarding Exchange Online Protection (EOP) with TenantAllowBlockListItems.Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -us/powershell/module/exchange/get-tenantallowblocklistitems?view=exchange-psConnect-ExchangeOnlineGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -BlockGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -ListSubType AdvancedDeliveryRepresented with the following CommandGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -BlockAdvanced Delivery - Represented with the following CommandGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -ListSubType AdvancedDeliveryThen i connected to Security and ComplianceConnect-IPPSSessionGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url Error:Das Format des in den Parameter objectId eingegebenen Werts ist ungültig. Prüfen Sie den Wert, und versuchen Sie es erneut.Parameter name: objectId + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems], ArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.TenantAllowBlock List.GetTenantAllowBlockListItems + PSComputerName : che01b.ps.compliance.protection.outlook.comGet-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -ListSubType AdvancedDeliveryError:A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'ListSubType'. ...
Hi all,I hope you all have already seen the Change in M365 Message Center for assigning Teams Phone NumberSet-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -us/powershell/module/teams/set-csphonenumberassignment?view=teams-psRemove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -us/powershell/module/teams/remove-csphonenumberassignment?view=teams-psBut there are also other Requirements before adding a Phone Number in Teams: The User must have a valid Teams License assigned The User must have a Teams Phone (PhoneSystem/MCOEV) License assignedWe can check that with the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell Module#Get License from UserConnect-MgGraph -Scopes User.ReadWrite.All$Licenses = Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId a.bohren@icewolf.ch$Licenses$Licenses[0].ServicePlansTo check the Licenses use this Code#Teams License$Licenses where $_.ServicePlans.ServicePlanname -match "TEAMS1"#PhoneSystem$Licenses where $_.SkuId -eq "e43b5b99-8dfb-405f-9987-dc307f34bcbd"If you need to Add a License...
Hi All,Finally i have some time to do a Project i've always wanted to do.In a Series of Blog Article i will create a SQL Server / SQL Database in Azure and compare diffrent Deployment Methods.Let's start with the PowerShell AZ ModuleInstall-Module AZThe Script can also be found on my GitHub Repo _PowerShellScripts/blob/main/Azure/Demo01-SQLDB-Az.ps1################################################################################ Demo01-SQLDB-Az.ps1# Create SQL Server / Firewall Rule / SQL Database with AZ.* Powershell Modules# 05.04.2022 - Initial Version - Andres Bohren ############################################################################################################################################################### Connect AzAccount###############################################################################Connect-AzAccount################################################################################ Set Subscription###############################################################################Set-AzContext [SubscriptionID/SubscriptionName]################################################################################ Create Resource Group# -us/powershell/module/az.resources/new-azresourcegroup?view=azps-7.4.0###############################################################################$ResourceGroup = "RG_Demo01"$Location = "westeurope"New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroup -Location $Location################################################################################ Create SQL Server Object# -us/powershell/module/az.sql/new-azsqlserver?view=azps-7.3.2###############################################################################$Credential = Get-Credential$SQLServerName = "icewolfsqldemo01"$MinimalTLSVersion...
Hi All,Yesterday the PowerShell Module for MicrosoftTeams 4.1.0 has been released as GA.MicrosoftTeams 4.1.0 -Module MicrosoftTeamsInstall-Module MicrosoftTeams -ForceUsually i test some of the CommandsConnect-MicrosoftTeamsGet-TeamGet-CsOnlineUser -Identity a.bohren@icewolf.ch fl *Ent*,*host*,*voice*, *um*Be aware, that for new M365 Tenants you can only use MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Module 4.x.x. Older Tenants have to switch to 4.x.x until June 2022.Teams PowerShell Module - Supported Versions -us/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-supported-versionsRegardsAndres Bohren 2ff7e9595c